Get more control over your skin rashes, eczema outbreaks, or
other skin reactions with SkinSAFE - your safe skin shopping list.
SkinSAFE is an app you can use on your computer, smart phone or mobile device that is a shopping list of skin care products that are safe for you!
Whether you are a skin allergy sufferer, a concerned parent, or a physician, we will keep you up to date on the latest information on the ingredients in branded skin care products.

Utilizing SkinSAFE (Formerly CARD - the Contact Allergen Replacement Database), we keep you up to date on the latest product information to help you better manage contact dermatitis.
SkinSAFE is your resource for contact dermatitis. Take control today to have allergy free skin!
As a SkinSAFE user, the entire SkinSAFE experience on the Web and mobile becomes your “safe list” and receive alerts on when products are added or updated to the list.
SkinSAFE adds and updates hundreds of new products every month.
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