Get more control over your skin rashes, eczema outbreaks, or
other skin reactions with SkinSAFE - your safe skin shopping list.
“The cross referencing of products and chemicals that SkinSAFE provides is amazing. No one can possibly know all the alternative chemical names, but with SkinSAFE, I can pull the database up on my iPhone and quickly and easily find out if that product contains any chemicals that I’m allergic to."
Meet Terri Ranck. Terri suffered from chemical allergies for more than 20 years, but it wasn’t until a physician from Mayo Clinic directed her to SkinSAFE (Formerly CARD - the Contact Allergen Replacement Database) in July 2011 that Ranck was finally able to take control of her allergies and her life.
“SkinSAFE does the thinking for you,” James Yiannias, M.D.
Dottie Harshbarger, “My skin is so much better…” » Watch Mayo Clinic Medical Edge
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